Professional Drone Services – Elevate Your Business

drone for business
On a previous post I made, “How To Make Money With a Drone“, I mentioned how professional drone services use their drones to take amazing pictures and videos for clients while making money. But what if you are in a different situation? What if you were looking to hire a professional drone pilot to film or take pictures of your business? Today, they are so much drone companies offering services, that you will only spend time comparing the perfect service for you. For example, you can search on the internet and find various professional drone services around your area. For people that do not have an idea as to how this works, this may be confusing. But in reality, it is quite simple to hire a professional, with plenty of experience, to help you to “show off” your business. Here is how a Professional Drone Service operates. drone taking picture of building

How Does It Work?

Different drone services will advertise their work differently. Placing an order can be done using the company’s website, social media, phone number or email. A lot of drone services use their website for placing orders. You can fill in your information and someone should get back to you confirming the order. Information that is typically asked is:
  • Location
  • Shoot Time
  • Additional Notes
If you are looking for videos rather than pictures, then expect to pay more. Aerial videos are more expensive than pictures, however, they do market a brand much better. Videos also require more skills. Pilots have to maneuver their drone to the right places in order for the video to look great. If you found a company that can fulfil your business needs, then make sure you know where the drone company is located, and where it is able to operate. Some small drone services are so far away that they can not cover travel expenses up to certain distances. They are a few out there that would do it, but will charge more. This may not be an issue with people that live in the Caribbean, for example. However, this can be more difficult for those in the United States. The good news is that they are drone services which do offer nationwide services for the United States. These companies hire employees at different locations, so more people have the opportunity to take advantage of their services. Here are my top recommendations you should definitely check out! is a nationwide aerial photography company. They were the first company, which offers aerial services, to establish nationwide services. For some companies, you have to contact them in order to receive a quote. This means you had to wait for a response, which then can provide the cost of your project. shows the cost of their packages and services on their website for anyone to see. Their website has beautiful examples of how drones can enhance the beauty of your company. The website services:
  • Real Estate
  • Construction
  • Commercial
  • Roof Construction
  • Gold Course do not have a “Special Event” service, for example, as a package. If the service you are looking for not listed, then you will need to contact them through their website. The advantages of
  • Can view prices without requesting a quote!
  • Nationwide service
  • Easy to book an order
  • 4K Ultra HD drone cameras
  • Money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied
  • NO travel fees
The disadvantage of
  • Special events and other services are not a package option (need to make a specified request)
Click HERE to check out! drone picture of city

Drone Genuity

Drone Genuity is also a popular aerial photography company. They offer very similar services like but have more services to choose from. In addition, they also provide wonderful training about drones. The company has a YouTube channel that is shockingly detailed and very well put together. This is not expected for an aerial photography company that offer video services! Unfortunately, you would have to request and wait for a quote from the company with details of your project. The advantage of DroneGenuity
  • Nationwide service
  • Offers a range of services
  • NO travel fees
  • Great training videos
The disadvantages of DroneGenuity
  • Have to request a quote
Click HERE to check out Drone Genuity!

Sold By Air

Sold By Air is also a great company to look into. Like DroneGenuity, you would have to request a quote from the company. Sols By Air states on their website, you can expect work for:
  • Real Estate
  • Construction
  • Environmental
  • Special Events
If you are looking to use their aerial services for something else, they clearly state that you can explain it in your request. Drone pilots from the company are available in every state, but your chances of getting a pilot closer to your location incredibly higher, if you are located southeast of the United States. The company also has free editing options for your pictures. Things like changing the sky and enhancing colour are available for your pictures. One thing I found amazing is that they can create “360 degree panoramic tours” for your company. You can utilize this feature as a map or let users interact with the view of your picture. I can definitely see this playing a major part in helping businesses promote their brand. The advantages of Sold By Air
  • Nationwide service
  • 360-degree option
  • Can work with almost all projects
  • Free photo editing
The disadvantage of Sold By Air
  • Have to request a quote
Click HERE to check out Sold By Air!

Aviate Your Business

aerial drone flying
  Millions of businesses are utilizing drones to promote, analyze and demonstrate their services. Owners realize presentation plays a major part in success. For example, when going for a job interview, you will try to look presentable because the first impression is everything. It is the same with a business nowadays. Beautiful displays will get more people interested in learning more. Content can be well detail and proper, but if it does not “grab” people, it will be a waste of time. Have you used a drone service company before? Let us know in the comments below!

30 thoughts on “Professional Drone Services – Elevate Your Business

  1. Hi Brian, having worked with drones its a unique way of looking at the buisness from a different persepctive. Some good explanation of how it works. It really is a skill but some of the pictures can be amazing.

  2. Some yeard ago, when I used to work in a car dealership, I remember the marketing manager saying that he wanted to do this. The owner said no, thay it was a waste of time and money.

    That dealership doesn’t exist anymore. Adapt or get eaten, I guess.

  3. This article is extremely interesting and thank you for these accurate reviews! Nowadays finding new ways to brand our businesses is fundamental. With competition increasing and the difficulty of being always more original than someone else, the article you are sharing is extremely useful to give new ideas and great tips about how to use new tech opportunities correctly. So, thank you for sharing! 

  4. I’ve nursed the thought of using a 360 degrees aerial view of our company location to create presentation videos. Seen it on some other company sites and it looks quite appealing. With the details shared on your post, I now know the next steps I have to take.

    It is clear that Solid by Air is the drone company that best suits our needs since they are the only drone services on your list that offer the 360 degrees option.

  5. I did know that there was a field like this one, I just thought that I would have to buy my own! Thank you for the information! I really liked the post.
    Keep it up!
    Until Next Time

  6. Good evening, Brian! Great article! I am amazed by how sophisticated technology has become. We have literally gone from a basic flip phone to robots cleaning our houses, mowing our lawns and taking aerial pictures for us. Haha Though I have never used a drone before, it is fascinating to see and hear what it’s capable of doing (I wonder if it does wedding pictures? Haha). I know several people who would love this! I have saved your post and will share it with my friends and family. God bless you!

  7. Hey Brian,
    Thanks for sharing this artical. I have a few friends who are getting married this summer and would be interested in using a professional drone service to capture their weddings. I will definitely share this artical with them in case they haven’t found a company already.

  8. Hello dear, thanks for sharing such amazing concise information with us all, I was actually doing some research online when I saw your post, I already saved these page so as to come back for future reference, I believe these is exactly what I need to take my business to the next level, thanks for the info, I’ll surely do some recommendations

  9. Drones. Congratulations for research and understanding of what I would call a new industry. I was in real estate for many years. A drone is the icing on the cake for real estate. I have been able to write a list of questions to ask when next I need one. It would be easy to get caught with the excitement of a drone and forget the reality of your purpose. You have provided a background to keep the selection process on the straight and narrow.
    Thanks heaps

    1. That’s wonderful that you are in the real estate industry. I am sure drones are helping to expand companies in the industry. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

  10. How things have changed. I used to work in the video field. For four years I had my own video production company. This was before there were drones. I even hired a helicopter on two occasions to shoot aerial video of a large industrial company I was making videos for. The availability of drones has made all this so much more accessible for everyone. I still have friends who are active in video production and many camera operators I know have bought themselves drones just to complete their service offerings. Best regards, Andy

    1. That’s amazing! Hiring a helicopter for a shoot must be quite the experience. It’s good to know drones are making their way in that industry.

  11. Very interesting and great drone photos! I have never used a drone service but its great to have a good resource like you have provided here. Thanks for sharing!

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